Tuesday, June 4, 2013

visit to vermont

At the end of April we took a trip to Vermont, where Matt's family is from, for three days.

The kids were able to meet Grandmom and Granddad for the first time.  They walked right up to them, asked for hugs, and wanted to share their toys.  It was wonderful to see them all interact with their great grandparents.

While Granddad had some doctor's appointments we went to all the traditional sites.  We went to Ben & Jerry's, the Cider Mill, and the Cabot Cheese Store.  Matt had a blast showing the kids all the places he went to and traditions he did as a kid.

We stopped by to see Grammy and Grampy's grave site while we were nearby.  It was nice to "visit" them.  The kids didn't really understand what we were there for but they knew it was important.  Bryce loved sitting on the little step and Zoey wanted to kiss the stone.

We loved being able to spend time with the family.  The kids loved Granddad's "toys", running the halls of the rehab center, playing with the family, and walking with Granddad.

We had a wonderful visit to Vermont!!!


  1. beautiful!!! <3 They are such bundles of joy for all! Love every one of these photos, Kat! love, Aunt Nancy
