I can't believe it has been almost an entire year since our last post! This year has been full of adventures, changes, and excitement. Sit back with a good cup of coffee and I will fill you in on this last year of our crazy life!
This year, we were spoiled by so much time with family and friends. Both the Kerrs and McPhersons came out for the holidays, we had a family wedding in Georgia, went a family reunion, went to a wedding in Virginia, went on two additional beach trips, and had friends come to visit! It is great that we are able to see everyone so often and the kids get know their extended family. It is a huge change after spending five years so far away!
We continued to learn more about our new home and the area. This year we took advantage of many of the activities and amusement opportunities we have. We saw "Disney on Ice", went to a dinosaur exhibit, got a membership at the SciPort, saw the Mardi Gras parades, and so much more. We love how many activities and events this area hosts; it is a great way to get out, explore, and spend time together.
I started a business, Little Elephant Designs, at the very beginning of the year! I am doing appliquéd items, baby items, and unique accessories for moms. I had my first "show" a few weeks ago and I loved it. This little business gives me a chance to sew and make some fun items. Check out the etsy store by clicking the button on the right side of the blog and I would love to hear what you think!
This year was also filled with many doctor's visits and medical changes. The kids started seeing several new specialists to include an allergist, pediatric gastroenterologist, and a pediatric ear, nose, and throat specialist and I continued to see the neurologist. Zoey was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease, suspected Asthma without a confirmed diagnosis. It is common with children who were preemies or were ventilated but unknown yet if she will grow out of it. Bryce was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance with suspected Celiac's disease. Bryce and I both had surgery this year. He had his adenoid removed and I had my gallbladder removed. My MS is not progressing which is wonderful. All of these are manageable with medications, diet, and routine visits to the specialists so overall I would say we are perfectly healthy.
The kids started school in August with a two day a week preschool program at one of the local churches. They love their teachers, class mates, and school! They have two amazing teachers and about ten children in the class. It is wonderful to see them socialize with the other kids and learn so much. Just last night they were spelling their names without any help! It has been really good to start them in the preschool and have them so excited about going to school.
Our big news this year is we are ADOPTING!!! In May we had our inital meeting with a local adoption agency here in Shreveport and started the application. We had our home study finalized at the end of July. The waiting began at that time and we knew we could get a child the next day or in two years! Our local agency showed our profile book and we kept an ear out for any other opportunities to add to our family. In the beginning of September, we saw on Facebook that an agency in Texas was looking for an adoptive family and we inquired about being matched. We knew the agency wanted to show the birth mom several families as potential matches so we sent our information, home study, and profile book. On October 2 we got the call - we were chosen!!! Our baby boy, Brady James, is due February 24th. He is African American, very healthy, developing correctly, and will be the perfect addition to our family! Bryce and Zoey are so excited about having another sibling; they talk about him all the time, ask when we get to meet him, and made a countdown chain to his due date. We are very excited that God has given us the opportunity to add to our family! (Click here
We hope you all had a wonderful year and are enjoying getting ready for the holidays! We look forward to keeping up better in the coming year!
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