Sunday, December 22, 2013

mimi visits louisiana

A few days after Janet left, my mom came out to visit!  We were so excited to be able to spend time with both grandmas in a two week span...and, to be completely honest, I really needed it.  I needed a break from all the boxes and I really missed our families!

The kids were so excited to see Mimi.  The kids asked for her the entire way to the airport and we were able to be there early enough for them to greet her at the gate.

My mom made it here on Halloween - the first one the kids went trick-or-treating!  The kids were so excited to wear their cow and lion costumes and even more excited to show Mimi.  Even though they wanted to put on costumes, they were just as excited to paint pumpkins as soon as we got home.

I was so excited about the kids going trick-or-treating that we actually started early - before any of our neighbors were home!  We got the kids all dressed up, headed outside, took pictures, they trick-or-treating at their first house (ours), then we realized there was no one we headed back inside to play for a bit.  We got the kids dressed up again an hour later and they were so excited to knock on the doors and see the treats in their baskets.  We didn't make it too far, just our street, before the kids were tired and were asking to go home.  It was a wonderful first time trick-or-treating and the kids enjoyed every second - we also got a new babysitter out of the deal!

On Saturday we headed to the Louisiana State Fair.  In Minot we went to the North Dakota State Fair every year so we figured we would check out the one in Shreveport.  It was fun for the kids to see all the different animals and the exhibits...and of course we at our share of fair food.  It was a good time and a fun way to spend the day.

The kids even had their first dentist appointment while Mimi was in town!  The office was amazing with the kids.  They had huge toothbrushes and animals with teeth that they could play with and learn how to brush teeth, the kids loved it.  When it was time for them to have their teeth looked at they dentist and tech just went with the flow - the kids called all the shots.  Zoey wanted to stand but let them look and do everything they needed to.  Bryce, however, wanted to lay down but didn't want to open his mouth to let them look (although he finally let them).  The office was so relaxed with them and I couldn't have asked for a better experience for them!

We had a wonderful week with Mimi, it was great to have her here with us!  Next we get to spend Christmas with her and the rest of the family!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! <3 This blog needs to be made into a book for the kids one day... awesome!!
