Monday, August 1, 2011

pre-term labor

On Saturday, 11 June, I woke up to Matt's alarm clock.  I hadn't slept well but thought nothing of the cramping or uncomfortable tightness that had been going on most of the night.  I would be 27 weeks the next day and just figured it was braxton hicks.  However, things quickly changed when I notice I was bleeding.  Instead of Matt going to class as planned we were on our way to the hospital and less than an hour after waking up I was in a hospital bed and being hooked up to monitors.  Both babies had great heartbeats but I was having contractions...real ones, not braxton hicks!  The doctor was called in and a whirlwind of a day began.  We were informed that I was 3cm dilated and 50-70% effaced, Zoey's amniotic sac was bulging from my cervix, and we should expect to have babies in the next 48 hours!  Over the next few hours everything was done to prepare for the birth of the babies and stop the contractions.  I had ultrasounds, exams, steroid shots for the babies lungs, meds to stop the contractions, talked to my doctor, talked to the neonatologist, and filled out all the paperwork and birth forms.  I was not able to eat in case we had to deliver or sit up too high/get out of bed to prevent my water breaking.  At some point during the day we called our parents and even got the news to Mom in Chile!  By that evening things were looking better...the contractions were less intense but we were still prepared for surgery.

On Sunday, things looked great.  I got the second steroid shot and just needed to hold out until monday around 11 for it to have the full effect for the babies lungs.  The contractions had stopped so I was moved to out of the birthing room into a regular room and was allowed to eat!  Mom left Chile to make the two day trip to Minot and we just waited to see what would happen.

Monday morning came around and we were thrilled that the steroids were able to be in my system for 48 hours.  I had no additional signs of labor and was allowed to shower and use the restroom but no additional walking or moving.  I continued to be monitored every four hours but continued to not have contractions.  The doctors told me to plan on staying at the hospital until 32 weeks or the babies were born.  Mom finally made it to Minot that evening and Matt was able to relax a little more.  We all began settling in expecting to be there for several weeks. 

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