Wednesday, March 16, 2011

first movement

I am now 14.5 weeks pregnant and last night I felt the babies move!  This isn't the first time I have felt it, that was last tuesday, but this is the first time I was certain that it was the babies as soon as it happened.  Matt had read that if you shine a flashlight they will turn away from the light.  We tried it and I felt them three different times!  Later at night I also felt a definate kick from one of the munchkins.  It is very exciting and such a neat feeling. 

I am very excited to be in the second trimester of the pregnancy.  Everything is going well; I am feeling better, eating better, and the babies are both doing well.  We have another appointment next week and will give more updates after that. 

If you haven't checked out our picasa album we have been keeping track of the baby bump growth on there.  The link is  Here is just a small sample for you:

 9 weeks

 12 weeks

14 weeks 


  1. That sounds kind of mean to shine light at them to make them move! Be nice to the little ones!!! :)

  2. Awesome! Miss you lots! I'm so glad things are going well!!

  3. Love the new haircut, you look amazing :) and the ultrasound pics are soooooo neat!! Two little blessings :))) Aunt Nancy is sitting here teary-eyed after looking at their pictures. So glad you are feeling better, thanks for the pictures and updates! Love to all 4 of you <3
