Saturday, July 6, 2013

road trip to alabama

On May 24th we left Minot and started the drive to Alabama.  We had both cars loaded up with everything we would all need for the next several months, both kids, both dogs, plenty of snacks, and my cousin Amanda!  Amanda flew in the day before to help us with the drive - she was able to be an extra driver and help keep the kids happy but really it was just fun to have her with us and the kids love "A-nana"!

On our way out of North Dakota we made a stop in Fargo at Sanford hospital.  Sanford is where the kids were transferred to from Minot's NICU during the flood.  We spent spend seven weeks in the Sanford NICU.  We have kept up with several of the nurses and Kristie, the lactation consultant.  We wanted to make sure we got to see them one more time while we were passing through.  As soon as the kids saw Kristie they ran up to her with open arms, they must know what a special person she is and how much she means to Matt and I. Kristie loved walking the kids through the unit to see the doctors and nurses.  The nurses always tell us they love seeing the kids as they have grown and we always love seeing all the amazing people who helped us so much during those first few months of the kids lives.

From Fargo we headed south for the rest of the evening and into the next day.  As we drove through all the different states we sang silly songs, stopped to stretch our legs, pointed out all the wildlife, talked about the moon, took naps when the kids were quiet, saw a helicopter up close and made the best of being in such a tight space for so long.  The kids were so well behaved for being so confined for so long.  Some days we arrived at our stops and hotels with half dressed or naked kids but everyone was still happy!

Each night we tried to stop at hotels with a pool.  The kids loved splashing in the water, it was a fun way to relax, and it got the kids tired enough so we could all get some sleep.

On day three we drove through Fayetteville, Arkansas where Matt's sister, Lauren, is currently living.  We had called her at the beginning of our trip when we realized how close we would be and she informed us that she would indeed be home AND Syd and Janet would be visiting.  We quickly made plans to stop by for a few hours on the way but surprise Syd and Janet!  Lauren told us where they would be having brunch and we showed up just as they were getting a seat.  The look on Janet's face when she realized what was going on was priceless (and I forgot to get a photo of it)!  We all had a wonderful meal together then were able to see where Lauren is working and the research project she has been working on.  The kids loved all the reptiles and getting to see Lo-lo, Gaga, and Grandpa.  Sadly, we were only able to stay for a few hours but it was wonderful to see everyone and get a chance to see what Lauren has been up to for the last year.  

During the last day of the drive the kids learned "wheels on the bus", several more animal noises, and to say "cool" when they put on sunglasses.

On day four, May 28th, we got to Montgomery.  We were able to time our arrival so we could get the keys for the apartment and start unpacking that day.  Overall it wasn't a bad drive but we all were very glad to be out of the car and in our new apartment.

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