Thursday, March 14, 2013

learning time

You hear it are sponges, they soak up everything.   I am amazed at how true it is when I watch Bryce and Zoey!  About two months ago I was talking to a friend about the kids development and the fact that they weren't talking much.  Although I know this is normal, it was difficult because I didn't always know what they wanted and we were all getting frustrated.  We taught them the basic signs (all done, milk, more, please, thank you, dog) and they did those consistently but I was ready to hear words or understand more.   She suggested the Baby Signing Time videos, her twins used them and loved them.  I wasn't sure at first...I didn't want to just sit my kids in front of a TV and expect them to learn.  They actually didn't watch any TV or videos for the entire first year of their lives!

We started watching the videos and the kids vocabulary exploded and they were signing nonstop within days!  They love the videos and they have some fun catchy songs.  Now the kids have signs for all their clothing items, the weather, foods, drinks, animals, and vehicles!  The best part is, now they are also now trying to say the words too.  Zoey says a lot more than Bryce but girls tend to do that!

In addition to the Baby Signing Time, I added the LeapFrog "Letter Factory" video into the mix this week.  I had been looking into effective ways to teach the kids their alphabet and this video kept popping up and several of my friends recommended it so I figured we would try it.  Again, like most videos for children, it has catchy songs and a lot of visual stimulation but the kids love it.  We started watching it three days ago: Zoey already does/attempts the sounds for the letters B, D, F, H, L, M, Q, S, T, and V!  Bryce LOVES the "S" sound and watches the video closely...I am sure one of these days he will just blurt out the sounds like a mad man!      

I am still not a fan of the kids watching much TV but I will gladly use educational videos/programs to expand upon what I can teach them, especially with these wonderful results!  I highly recommend both these video programs to any parent!!!  Just beware that you will be signing the songs in your sleep...they are VERY catchy!!!

Here are the links to the videos I am talking about:


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