The next morning the contractions woke me up...they were more intense and closer together. Dr. Bozeman came in around eight and didn't have any immediate concerns. When I told him about the contractions he told us that we wouldn't do anything until I was at least 5cm dilated or my water broke. He planned to do an exam but didn't think there would be any changes. As soon as he checked we could see the expression on his face change...he looked at us and said we were having babies. We asked how long it would be and he said as soon as he made some phone calls but as soon as possible! Matt quickly called Mom (who was at the house getting ready) and told her to get to the hospital. There was another whirlwind...I got a new IV, furniture was moving, the anesthesiologist came in, I signed more forms, and I got more meds. Mom got to the hospital right before I was taken down to the operating room. By 9:30 I was in the room getting the epidural. Matt and Mom were not allowed in the room...they waited in the hall to get news. They were told that if the babies were doing well they would be allowed in to see them, if not someone would come out as soon as they could to fill them in.
Everything in the operating room seemed to happen so slowly...I just wanted to know that the babies were ok! The anesthesiologist was amazing and talked to me during the entire procedure to inform me of what was going on and what to expect. When they took the babies out it was the most intense pressure I have ever felt, like an elephant was sitting on my chest and a vacuum was pulling out my stomach, but it stopped suddenly when the babies were born. Zoey was born first at 9:53 and Bryce followed shortly at 9:55. I didn't get to see either of them because they were rushed to the other room but Bryce did let out a little cry. It was one of the greatest things I have ever heard! I was in the room another twenty minutes but I knew the babies were ok when I saw Matt and Mom smiling at me through the window...they were in with the babies!
Matt was able to touch both babies and cut their cords to the proper length. They both weighed in at only 2lb, 6oz.
Bryce Alexander:
Zoey Rose:
As I went downstairs to recovery I passed Matt and Mom in the hallway and was informed that both babies were doing well. Over the next few hours I was monitored and tried to get a little rest. Six hours after they were born I was able to go see the babies for the first time! Matt and I were blessed with two beautiful little fighters.
Yay little ones :)