Tuesday, May 10, 2011

20 week ultrasound

On April 28th (my 20 week, 4 day mark) we had our ultrasound!  The scan took about an hour and fifteen minutes and looked at everything.  The tech checked both babies for all the organs, vessels, and growth. 

First we got to see Zoey.  She was curled up most of the time and kept flipping back and forth while the tech was checking for everything but the second we looked at her face she posed for pictures.
 The tech verified her gender...and as you can see, she is a girl.
She looked great.  She weighed 12 oz and measured at 20 weeks, 2 days (right on schedule)!  Here are a few more pictures of our little lady.

Next, the tech did the full scan of Bryce.  He was very stretched out and relaxed during most of the scan but wasn't a fan of giving us pictures of his face.
It probably didn't help that his sister kept kicking him...I guess she missed the attention.
He was more than willing to let the tech verify his gender...multiple times!
Bryce also looked great.  He also weighed 12 oz and measured at 20 weeks and 3 days.  Here are a few more pictures of the little man.

Both babies looked great!  They both were right on track for weight and measurements.  All the organs were all there and functioning properly (as far as an ultrasound lets us see).  They both had four chambers in their hearts, healthy plecentas, and three vessels in their umbilical cords.  We are very happy to hear that everything looks so good!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!!!! Loved seeing them both :))))
    love to all 4 of you!
    Aunt Nancy
