Sunday, June 27, 2010


We had quite the excitement yesterday afternoon when we found water leaking into our basement storage room. Matt noticed the leak when Lola walked up to the pipe for the faucet to drink the water. The shutoff valve for the cold water was not working correctly and had a slow, un-noticeable stream of water leaking from it. The water leaked down the pipe and through the floor into the the storage room below. When we got to the room there was about an inch of water on the floor, the smell of mildew was overwhelming, and mold was on several things. Instead of spending the day installing cabinets and putting on cabinet doors as we had planned, we immediately called a plumber and started moving boxes that we could out of the storage room.

After the inital shock of the situation, we cleared the storage room and tried to stay in good spirits. We assessed the first wave of damage...there was damage to frames, collectibles, boxes, and most importantly...Matt's commissioning certificate and diploma. We threw many things away and were able to salvage a few items from the boxes that were directly effected. Most importantly, we saved the commissioning certificate and diploma.

We began today by cleaning. The Ehn's let us barrow their shop vac to get all the water out then Mandy and I bleached the room. Following the cleaning, we went through the remaining boxes. Almost all the remaining things were able to be salvaged. Mandy and I did have fun going through some of Matt's things from college...

At least it was only water and there wasn't more damage. There is always an adventure around here....


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