It has been months since Katherine's
Let us start with the big news. While my parents were here for the Thanksgiving break, the New England Patriots won not one, but two games. And before you start busting my chops and saying, "but Matt, that doesn't have anything to do with your parents visiting or Thanksgiving or even your adorable dogs" take a look at this picture:
Also, the Hokies won:
Ok, so obviously what I am here to blog about is the McPherson family's first trek to North Dakota. The snow broke just in time to bring them into Minot International Airport with only a 2 hour delay. We welcomed them to our humble house with open arms and ecstatic puppies.
We showed them all of the sites that Minot, ND has to offer:
We took them to our favorite restaurants:
We played several board and card games:
And we played copious amounts of Beatles Rock Band:
Mom even got so good she played without looking at the notes on the screen:
We did take a tour of my work offices and we tripped out to the field. Due to a minor identification issue we were not able to go downstairs to the LCC.
There was much relaxation and plenty of napping. Most of this part of the vacation was taken care of by the dogs:
In addition to all of the normal vacationy type o' stuff, I woke the dogs up waaaay before there normal time and started Thanksgiving dinner.
A few hours later, the rest of the cooking was under way, all according to the foreman's schedule.
Final preparations were made and we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
All said and done it was a truly wonderful visit. Katherine and I had a blast showing off our little home and our unique lifestyle up here. The family seemed to really enjoy seeing us and our house. Before Katherine's family's previous visit and my family, the dogs have never seen so much or such constant attention and now think they are permanently allowed on the couches. The weather even behaved marginally well. As with any family visit we put my parents to work and now have freshly painted chair-rail to go into the bedroom and a finished basement bathroom ready for a coat or two of paint. Only about a thousand pictures were taken and in true McPherson fashion there are 4 copies of each and every picture taken from a different camera at a slightly different angle.
So, until next blog remember these few simple things: go Patriots, if you visit for a week don't plan to leave without doing some sort of home-improvement project, always give my dogs more attention than even they can handle, and it is NEVER ok to eat the next to last piece of my chocolate pie!!!!